dinsdag 16 september 2014

Dear all, welcome to the blog of Mommytalks. Through this blog I want to share with you the exciting and less exciting things I experience with my company Mommytalks, the first review video platform for and by moms. 

My name is Jeroen Horbach and I am a father of two beautiful daughters Philippine and Liliane. I am married to Bella. I started Mommytalks around 2 years ago. I wanted to help mothers to make honest purchase decisions by making review videos with other moms. In the Netherlands, where I started, we call it Mammietalks. Mammie means mommy in Dutch and 'talks', well that is of course the same.Check it out: www.mammietalks.nl also English videoreviews available.

So what does life bring to me? 

Last week I went to Kind & Jugend fair in Cologne, a fair with the latest and newest products in baby world. It was nice to see all manufacturers and talk to them about Mommytalks international and Mammietalks in the Netherlands. 

Besides nice interesting chats, I saw a lot of products, some old and some new. Sometimes I think why should you invest such a product and on the other hand sometimes people invent products which are so great and simple I get goose bumps all over my body. Wow, how inspiring. The product, however it seems to be on the market for some time now, which inspired me must is the SUPAflat. A baby chair, which is so beautiful, it hurts your eyes. It can be folded to 4 centimeter, which is great for small households but also for restaurants and bars, although I don't think a baby goes to a bar that often. 

The other product which caught my eye was the Doona, a baby car seat which is a stroller at the same time, very handy for the urban life and if you just want to do quick shopping and for travelling. I am sure we will share a review video of this product soon. Stay tuned.

What else is new? I launched www.mommytalks.de our newest platform in Germany. A great mother from Germany helps me with that, Christina Frey. Let's see if German moms love review videos a much as Dutch moms. I do think so. 

From time to time I will share my stories in this blog.

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